Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Standing with Ukraine While the World Stands Watching


It is a terrible time to be a human being on this planet unless you are a despot or oligarch with the world or regional domination on your mind. If you are a decent human being, you would never choose to unleash military might on your neighbor. And if you aren't one, you'd not do so unless it was for the sole purpose to bend them to your will. As I and many of us watched in disbelief as the Russian army began its assault on Ukraine a few days ago, I was happy to see the Russian people in the streets protesting their nation's siege -- something that these people do at great peril given their government's totalitarian and punitive nature. At the same time, I admire the tenacity of the Ukrainian leadership as they defend themselves against this assault with support mostly through economic sanctions by observing nations, support for their infrastructure, and armaments provided by the same. 

Certainly, this is a difficult situation. Russia has made overtures before, but with it threatening to use its nuclear capabilities, what sane leader is going to escalate that threat? While the US and its NATO allies are lending support and placing troops in neighboring countries, the Russian regime is banking on them letting Russia decimate Ukraine to achieve their goal of regime change and perhaps, reunifying another piece of the former Soviet Union. 

Thankfully, the leadership of Ukraine is not kowtowing to that sentiment and neither are its people. They are engaged in a war they did not choose, but they are engaged to show the world and Russia that they will not be stepped on so a madman can seize power. And they are doing this risking it all. Lives hang in the balance and it doesn't help to know that there is no cavalry coming. One might even say this is so Ukrainian. 

Perhaps, this is something that free nations should keep in mind. Even in a fractured place like the US, I hope we still believe that freedom is only possible with true democracy. Nationalistic tendencies are categorically ill-advised, except in the rejection of imposed other-nation pressure. We are only as good as what we are willing to defend. So far what we are willing to defend is having the US and its NATO partners being pulled into a war that would likely be like a Molotov cocktail, an incendiary device where world peace is concerned.

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