Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Conventional Wisdom

 Last evening, Iowa Republicans and Democrats got together for their annual caucuses leading up to county and later, state conventions. In my county, I understand 270 Democrats met on Zoom to deliberate about the fate of the party and use Zoom filters. I am not a fan of caucuses of any size, but understand that conventions are important to the loyal faithful. At one time, you couldn't get elected dogcatcher without the convention nominating you. 

I have been to a handful of these convention gatherings in the past, and like religious organizations, found them happy to see new blood (if for only that the longer-in-tooth could get off of a never-ending committee assignment). I mention this because I worry about the future of political parties if conventions are their go-to for sparking interest in the more youthful.

In my college job, I witness the younger generation up close. They are an interesting lot and they do seem to like to travel in packs. You'd think that would be a draw for convention going. Also, they like to feel important, again good for political gatherings. Finally, they seem to enjoy the sound of their own voices--it would seem that political convention would be like hitting the trifecta for these youngsters. But alas, you'd be so wrong. Because they also don't care much for conflict or gravitating too far from campus, and unless there is a keg or keto, they aren't coming.

No, party conventions are largely an older person's thing, especially the countywide ones. Sure a stray college student who is part of the campus party student org and a handful of others may try it out as a lark, but they aren't coming back next year (probably because they are graduating and moving back home or to the closest large city out of state).

So for those of us who think the future belongs to the young, we better think of a better way to engage the young. Kounty Kegger and Keto Konvention, anybody? 

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