Sunday, October 30, 2022

Let Us Count How Many Ways We Could Be Screwed By Apathy

 It is no secret that the Republicans hold the upper hand in this election cycle. Voters are locked into two camps and the edge usually goes to the party banging on the weaknesses of the economy. Worldwide, inflation is on the upswing, and the fact that people with idled money to burn pushed the supply chain to the edge of breaking as the pandemic began to subside. This has caused inflation to increase and may take a while longer to go down. Add to that record profits for oil companies while the financial markets act like a rickety rollercoaster at an amusement park. Yet the narrative the Republicans are going with is that it is Joe Biden's fault because he put environmental regulations back into place, hasn't opened up more. public lands to oil leases. Never mind that Biden has dipped into the strategic oil supply twice to offer some relief.  They do not accept any blame for not voting to support infrastructure and job initiatives that are putting Americans in a better financial place and making it easier for new businesses to have needed roads, broadband, and support for workers. However, they do show up for the ribbon-cutting ceremonies and take credit both at the national and state levels.

Republicans want you to worry about all the fentanyl that is being stopped at the border, all the immigrants who are being stopped by the border patrol. And they are being successful because of fear tactics that are packaged up and wrapped in a nationalistic wrapper. They have found the pain points for many people and are looking to reap their rewards. 

In the meantime, they have made it harder through state efforts for voters to vote and for those votes to be counted without political interference. Certainly, the actions in states like Arizona where camo-clad, armed goons stand watch over ballot drop boxes with the blessing of the courts is a model that we can look forward to others emulating and add to the chaos that makes people believe their vote will not count.

Meanwhile, Democrats are raising the very real specter that women's reproductive rights will be at significant danger should the House and Senate flip. Regardless of the national agenda, the Republican leadership at the state level are already in the catbird seat to push this agenda through at the state level. In state's like Iowa, they are also pushing for an adrenalized version of the 2nd Amendment to be passed which will be tested in federal court due to the vague idea of "strict scrutiny" which basically makes any passed pro-gun legislation dare I say it, bulletproof. 

Then add the continual carving of taxes such that education, medical and mental health care are going to suffer and the social safety net will continue to shred. The public/private partnerships will endanger Social Security and likely Medicare and Medicaid. Drug prices will continue to increase for the most vulnerable. It is truly sad to think that the richest nation on earth would shortchange its younger and older generations on the tools they need to live productive lives.

Finally, there is foreign policy. Republicans have already said that Ukraine will not be able to depend on them to help them stave off Russia's onslaught. They will continue to undermine Biden's diplomatic strategies and sow seeds of dissent through House hearings on everything from Hunter Biden to the January 6th Committee. 

Let there be no mistake, there is a power struggle going on for our representative democracy and conservatives are pushing hard at the levers of control to make us more fearful, less democratic, and more likely to pit us against each other. 

The only way to stop this from happening is through our efforts at the polls and in the halls of power. People have got to not be cynical about their vote. It matters. If you want the economy to be better, as we all do, recognize that it is not the fault of a person or party, it is a result of coming through a really unusual period where demand was tamped down due to a global pandemic and market players are trying to make up for lost ground. This will pass, but giving power back to the very people who put us in the unenviable position we are in now is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

You have a voice in all this. In my congressional district in 2020, the House seat was won by 6 measly votes. Can you imagine what a difference it will make if turnout exceeds expectations and the vote is clear and unquestionable? As it stands, it is possible that parts of this country will go into a complete meltdown if there are numerous recounts and extended delays to the tallies. And do you think your staying home is going to make this better?

They say that peace is harder to maintain in places where people doubt they have a legitimate voice. The vote with all of its limitations is still a far better way to exist as a nation than giving in to might makes right thinking. We owe it to each other to fight our battles through the ballot box and I hope you will do your part by voting by or on November 8th.

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