Monday, November 8, 2021

We Need Hearing Aides

Some members of Congress who bear a "D: next to their name can be horribly hard of hearing when it comes to their constituencies who don't or can't write big checks. Take the esteemed senators Manchin and Sinema who apparently are unaware that paid family leave is more popular than strip mining and the Diamondbacks. It seems that these members of Congress need a pair of hearing aides, these would be people who, like their constituents are dealing with living in poverty, have kids to consider, and have a job that sucks--currently they are called interns. Interns are notoriously underpaid and over-used so they would be perfect to play the part of the conscience for these two if they weren't social climbing to join the machine.

So dear everyday people in West Virginia and  Arizona, please consider going to their websites and applying for an internship. You are our best hope for helping Americans to get the things that we really need:

Senator Joe Manchin

Senator Kyrsten Sinema

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