Friday, November 19, 2021

Build Back Biden

The President is literally down for the count as he is having a routine colonoscopy done today. However, while time will tell if the wins on the infrastructure bill and, as of this morning, the House passing the social spending bill which includes reforms to immigration, climate change, and goodies like child care subsidies, universal preschool, paid family leave, renewable energy tax incentives and extensions of both the expanded child tax credit, efforts to slash prescription drug prices, and enhanced health care subsidies spell a needed lift for Biden. Using a cheap colonoscopy metaphor, Biden and his surgeon are getting a little behind (in polling number terms).  

As we have seen, you can't keep Joe Biden down and as his policies take hold, barring cold feet from the Senate, he should see an ascendency to his popularity. Still, this is not foolproof, as the Republicans will keep beating the drum about inflation, the debt, illegal immigrants, socialism, and so on. The election theme that Biden would be a steady hand on the wheel, for the Republicans is replaced by the new theme of taking the car keys away from Grandpa. But, you can't argue with Biden's success since in less than a year many of his policies have been wrangled through the sausage grinder that is Congress. Sure it has been herky-jerky and with a lot of self-inflicted wounds by his own party, but the change he has promised is coming to fruition. Not Everything. Not perfectly. And hopefully, like his colonoscopy, everything will work out at the end.

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