Monday, October 4, 2021

You Can't Keep a Good Blog Down?

 Imagine my surprise as I visited my old stomping grounds at Popular Progressive - Redux (trust me, go to and then put on a kettle while the page loads) and learned that it was archived. Granted I had not been there since March 5, 2020, but c'mon--there was and is a pandemic going on! It is true, I have been distracted by basic human functioning, working from home, and not wanting to be named in a criminal action against my wife of 35 years. But, to take away a person's blog--who does that? Well, apparently Google does that. I suspect they are still P.O.'d that Google + was such a disaster, but I digress.

It is now the autumn of 2021. Who knew that in March of 2020 we would have 5,000,000 fewer living souls and 700,000 or so of them would be from the good ol' U.S. of A.? Who knew that Donald Trump would not only mismanage the pandemic but would also get COVID-19 and then be shown the door? Who knew that we would be saying "so long, suckers" to Afghanistan (and to refugees at our southern border) and be at the precipice of crashing through a debt ceiling under, wait for it, Joe R. Biden?

Add to that a thing called a Derecho which would leave this eastern part of Iowa without power and without a huge number of trees in the summer of 2020. It has been a hellacious ride, wouldn't you say? Well, let me say it for you, it has been a Mother F#@ker.

So, what is to be done? Cry in our Busch Light beer? No, this is red-state America, where we pull ourselves up by our bootstraps--if we had boots with straps to pull (since the cargo ship from China with them is still at sea just off of Long Beach, CA). Bootstraps notwithstanding, I have decided to dust off this relic of a so-called popular, progressive-voiced blog and breath new life into it. If I can wait for my boots and their requisite bootstraps to come in, well, I can spend time paying attention to the news of the world, even when the politics seem to be akin to the Flying Wallendas, that not so lucky troupe of tightrope walkers who mostly are dead and/or should be retired (Speaking of which, their website is still alive, but not updated since 2017, but please fact check it: 

So, this I can promise, as long as we are living in these ridiculous times, with the rich getting so much richer they can create three NASA-like companies and go joyriding to the exosphere while Congress can't even agree that families are about as infrastructural as it gets, I resurrect this as "Son of Popular Progressive". Its predecessor a blog so little read in its so-called heyday that even now calling it a "cult classic" is just blowing the kind of smoke that even CAFO operators would be complaining about the smell.

In these times, we all need to keep fighting the good fight, vexing the unvaccinated, unmasking and then asking "Why are you unmasking?" and doing it with at least 6-feet between us (because at least you have a chance to survive the spray of either droplets (or bullets) being discharged while some dude is standing their ground).

Will I be creating a Patreon site to support this? Will I be "cross-marketing" it across platforms? Will I be worried about SEO, Google analytics, click rates? No! Because I don't know what those things are. Follow this or don't. In any case, I'll be blazing a new trail, because, as the headline reads, you can't keep a good blog down?

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