Friday, October 8, 2021

Stand-up Person of the Week

 Give actor and possible candidate for Texas's next governor, Matthew McConaughey his due. In an interview on the New York  Time's podcast "Sway" he said "Politics is a bag of rats." and "It's a fixed game. [Politicians] go in there [and] just put on a bunch of Band-Aids in four years, and walk out, and they rip ’em off when you’re gone. I’m not interested in that. Does politics itself need such repurposing right now that it’s like, don’t get into that game? They’re lost." Clear as a Lincoln commercial right? For a guy maybe, probably running for governor, he is having a hard time articulating why he'd want the job. And maybe that's a good thing.

Politics is a safe haven for the enlarged ego and posturing fools who'll spout anything that the adoring yahoos will suck up and activate around. Maybe a well-known person with a moral compass could turn this around. Certainly, a well-known person without one showed us what that would look like (See photo to left).

We know he isn't crazy about Texas's recent abortion squealer bill and also he doesn't know everything about voter rights, but   “I think it should be easier to vote…. Texas is its best— I like to say this— we’re here to lead, not secede,” he said. So, yeah, he's learning. Not the worst thing in a person--to be willing to study the issues. But from a purely partisan perspective, you can really be screwed over by a leader who is wishy-washy.

He may not be "born to be in it" like Beto O'Rourke confessed to being for Vanity Fair when running for president, but he may be a change that Texas could benefit from--or maybe not. I mean, would you want to be jumping into a bag of rats?

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