Friday, January 5, 2024

Welcome to Sh#tSt#rm V.2024


I seldom look back at the columns I've written before (and judging by the editing, maybe I should) but the promised sh#tst#rm happened in 2023 and it was worse than imagined. So, I told you so. But what will likely happen is a consolidation of power that will make any progressive person's head swim. Already the governor is rejecting federal programs that, get this, help living, breathing children so that they can be poorly served by underfunded state-run programs. Add the latest mass shooting in Perry and the business-as-usual approach of offering more support to the police than the victims (in addition to the requisite "thoughts and prayers") and the zero chance that anything substantive will happen to change the gun laws to address the fact that kids are dying at the hands of other kids who get guns at home (cue the cries for "parental rights"). Then add an election year and the shoving of an already unpopular agenda down the throats of all Iowans who reject much of what is being offered. For instance more tax cuts despite the need to pump money into childcare support, education, and inspection services for eldercare centers.

Democrats are pointing their fingers in the right direction but voters have limited options for change to actually occur. So many uncontested races that assure that conservative and decidedly more MAGA-interested senators and representatives will be ruling the roost for the foreseeable future. One party rule is never a good thing. Certainly, it hasn't helped in any country (Russia) or state (Alabama) to improve the lives of the average citizen. 

Don't Let Us Be Sick

 The late songwriter, Warren Zevon was on my mind yesterday, as I dreaded what I expected to be the darkest underbelly of politics on displa...