Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Notable KBJ


Ketanji Brown Jackson

To hear it, you'd think that Ketanji Brown Jackson was CRT incarnate instead of a well-qualified nominee for the US Supreme Court. You'd think that a person sitting on the second-highest court in the land with a decade of judicial experience could be expected to be questioned about her legal qualifications rather than the amount of time spent in church or (on a scale of 1 to 10) what her level of "faith" is.

But this is the nature of US politics where every high profile process has to be slathered in political rhetoric and shape the issues that the next election will be the battlefield for. A sane person or a sober judge might find this laughable unless they are sitting in the presence of these political provocateurs seeking their blessing to adjudicate law at the highest level in the land. Also knowing that both sides are trying to bend the will of the court to their POV does not make it easier to sit there and get the good cop/bad cop treatment.

To her credit and patience, this notable judge who is a Harvard Law School product has handled herself with aplomb and dignity when asked about her faith, Judge Brown Jackson said "Personally, my faith is very important, but as you know, there is no religious test under Article six and it is very important to set aside one's personal views and the role of judge." Responding to Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa "about a speech she had delivered citing Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., she told the senators how one generation could go from the racially segregated schools her parents attended in Florida to her sitting before the Senate, nominated to the high court. "The fact that you can come that far was, to me, a testament to the hope and the promise of this country, the greatness of America," she said."

233 years is more than enough of time for a Black woman to be seated on the Supreme Court and Judge Brown Jackson is highly qualified to join the ranks. As always, Senate hearings may be about many things, but they are always about the preservation or expansion of power. It is my servant hope that despite the theatrics and the playing to the camera, that ultimately the votes will fall in favor of her confirmation based on the content of her character and her ability to adjudicate.

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