Thursday, October 14, 2021

Taking Leaves of My Senses


I will be taking a long weekend to celebrate the one outstanding accomplishment that I have made in life, a solid, successful partnership/marriage now of 35 years (with three other years prior for hanky-panky/"living in sin"). We will be traveling north to the land known as Minnesota and hope to partake in ample hiking and leaf gazing, in addition to keeping the home fires burning. I will not be paying attention to the news/nuances of the world or seething over the state of it--call it planned optimism.

In my absence, be kind to each other, except for those who are incapable of it--yes, I mean you Senate Republicans and Democrat scalawags senators Manchin and Sinema. When you have a choice as simple as making peoples' lives better or worse and you have to think about it as if it were the red wire or blue wire in the movie "Speed"? No. Kindness is wasted on you when you lack basic humanity.

And on that cheery note, I wish you all a pleasant (and kindness-filled) goodbye for now.

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